Editorial - Post-Quota Scenarios in Textiles and Clothing - Chinese Producers Re-Assess Their Production and Export Strategies
Released on = April 17, 2007, 5:18 am
Press Release Author = Namrata
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = 2005 has seen some fairly frenetic activity by US and EU trade negotiators in their attempt to stem surges in textile and clothing imports from China
Press Release Body = Editorial: Post-Quota Scenarios in Textiles and Clothing: Chinese Producers Re-Assess Their Production and Export Strategies
2005 has seen some fairly frenetic activity by US and EU trade negotiators in their attempt to stem surges in textile and clothing imports from China. And yet the year was supposed to herald a new era of quota-free trade.
In the USA, the surge in imports started in early 2002 after China joined the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and a large proportion of its exports were quickly freed from quota restrictions.
Thereafter, the surge gathered pace and continued to do so until US safeguard quotas-imposed on various products between late 2003 and August 2005-began to slow import growth in the product categories to which the quotas applied. The quotas were introduced under a special textile safeguard mechanism which had been incorporated in China's WTO accession agreement.
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